Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fractures. Osteoporosis increases the risk of incident fragility fractures. Fragility fractures are major health concerns that contribute significantly to morbidity and increased mortality.

Objectives of this registry program

Maintain a comprehensive database of the clinical, biochemical, hematological and radiological profile of patients diagnosed with osteoporosis
Evaluate the current magnitude of osteoporosis and morbidity and mortality related to the disease
Assess the trends of therapeutic practices of physicians managing osteoporosis
Conduct and promote research on osteoporosis using clinical, biochemical and basic science approaches
Educate people about timely screening and management of osteoporosis as well as regarding fall prevention

Why Osteoporosis registry?

The Osteoporosis Registry of India (ORI) is a nationwide registry developed to record and maintain the data of Indian patients with osteoporosis. The ORI would be made accessible to physicians all over the country who are voluntarily willing to be a part of it. The data recorded in the ORI would be updated periodically. The purpose of the ORI is to help medical personals and researchers in better understanding of the disease and apply them into better patient care.

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